Hello Folks!

If you’ve found your way here then you have undoubtedly seen the comic being shown and shared in all sorts of new places. Recently, I have made it my mission to re-format a lot of the old comics found on this site so that I can upload them to Instagram, Webtoons, Tapas, and more. Until now the comic has been more of a hobby, and one that I have certainly not taken at all that seriously. Obviously I’m ok with maintaining this lack of seriousness when it comes to the content, but I do want to change the way that I approach actually creating the thing. This last couple of years especially have provided a great deal of opportunity for introspection, and on reflection I have not been making the most of making comics.
So, I will be making some minor changes here and there, and will be providing you guys with more information as they develop, but I have some exciting things planned in the weeks/months to come. First and foremost – I am going to re-upload most of the comics found on this website to dedicated social media profiles (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), and webcomic viewing platforms (Webtoon, Tapas). I hope to release them on a regular and consistent basis, hopefully drawing in more of an audience than simply slamming them all up at the same time. Scheduling the uploads this way will mean that I can actually get through with formatting them all bit by bit. I tasked myself with trying to do them all at once and did 2 before getting tremendously sad and sleepy.

Will this affect the comics already on this website?
No, all the strips that I have uploaded so far will remain untouched – this is a means to build a bigger audience on different platforms that folk might prefer to use than having to go to this site.

What happens when you have uploaded all the comics to the other platforms?
So I will have to do some calculations on how often I want to upload stuff, but once I ‘catch-up’ with the stuff that has been released on Howtobuyaninja.com I plan to continue making new comics that will be displayed on all platforms similtaneously. That is going to take a while, so don’t expect too much to change on the main website while that happens.

Anything else?
Thats probably enough for right now to be honest – as I mentioned, I do have some other stuff planned but obviously I want to see how this goes for a little bit before doing anything too drastic. Cheers for sticking it out this far if you’re still reading, I am stopping myself from letting this become a towering wall of text – I’m excited about getting serious with HTBaN, but its getting late and I’ve said all I need to for the moment.

See you next time,
Catch phrase!